Health Risks Of Pests

Pests like cockroaches, mosquitoes, rodents, and fleas can carry disease and cause serious health issues. From West Nile virus spread by mosquitoes to Lyme disease carried by fleas and ticks, pests are a threat to our overall health.

Even pests that do not bite or sting can trigger allergies and asthma in susceptible individuals. Their droppings and cast skin can also exacerbate allergies. You should talk with Nature Shield Pest Solutions experts today.

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Despite being considered pests, cockroaches are amazing at adapting to their surroundings and have survived on Earth for millions of years. Their hardiness provides us with a lesson about the power of resilience.

Cockroaches have a complex gut microbiome that contributes to their metabolism, absorption of nutrients, and immunity against pathogens. The microorganisms that are found in the hindgut of cockroaches have the greatest diversity and play the most important role in digestion, metabolism, and behavior (Chen et al., 2020; Tinker and Ottesen, 2016).

The bacteria that are found in the droppings of cockroaches can cause illness when they are ingested. They may also contain viruses and other microorganisms, such as fungi. Infections caused by cockroach droppings can lead to stomach pain, severe diarrhea, and dehydration. Some of these infections can even be life-threatening.

Another way that cockroaches can spread disease is by touching and contaminating surfaces with their legs, saliva, and excrement. These germs can then be ingested and cause infection, as well as being absorbed into the bloodstream and causing serious illnesses.

The legs of cockroaches are covered with touch-sensitive spines that allow them to explore the surface of their surroundings. These spines can stick to anything they touch, including human skin. This contact can result in rashes and other allergic reactions. It can also trigger asthma symptoms, especially in children.

Aside from contaminating food and surfaces, cockroaches can also harm our bodies by inhaling air contaminated with proteins found in their feces, saliva, and body parts. They can also carry bacteria and viruses from one object to another through the air. These particles can then get into our mouths, noses, and eyes, causing sickness.


Mosquitoes are the transmitters of several diseases, including malaria and West Nile virus (WNV). These diseases are spread through mosquito bites. Infections range from mild to severe and may cause a variety of symptoms. Some of these diseases are caused by viruses, while others are caused by parasites. Mosquito-borne illnesses affect both humans and animals.

Infected people develop fever, headache, body aches, and a rash or swollen lymph nodes (lymph glands). The severity of the disease varies depending on the pathogen, but in many cases, symptoms are mild. In severe cases, people can experience swelling of the brain and nervous system. Some of the most serious illnesses caused by mosquitoes include eastern equine encephalitis (EEE), western equine encephalitis (WNV), and LaCrosse encephalitis (LaCrosse, or Ochlerotatus triseriatus, the tree hole mosquito).

The mosquito life cycle begins with an egg hatching into larvae. The larvae then turn into a pupa and later become an adult mosquito. Females feed on blood to sustain themselves during this period, which is why only female mosquitoes bite and transmit disease.

Once a mosquito finds its host, it inserts its proboscis into the skin and probes for blood vessels beneath. It then injects saliva into the wound to prevent clotting and allow it to draw a steady flow of blood. The saliva contains a substance that triggers the host immune system to release histamine, which causes itching at the site of the bite.

Mosquitoes lay their eggs near standing water, so it is important to empty and scrub containers that hold water – such as discarded tires, cans, buckets, planters, and barrels — and cover them. These measures can reduce mosquito populations.

Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are blood-sucking ectoparasites that can live in even the cleanest hotels, motels, apartments, and homes. Like head lice (Pediculus humanus capitis), they are hematophagous insects, meaning that they feed on the blood of warm-blooded vertebrates. But unlike head lice, they are not believed to transmit any diseases.

When bed bugs bite, they inject saliva to ensure blood flow and pierce the skin with needle-like mouthparts. After three to five minutes of feeding, the bug reverts to its hiding place and digests the meal. The host may develop itchy marks that look like mosquito or flea bites. Some people have more complex skin reactions, including hives and blisters, that are associated with the bites.

The pests are most active at night and tend to linger in the seams, folds, and crevices of beds and other upholstered furniture, where they are difficult to reach with cleaning products. But they can also be found in suitcases, bags, and clothing brought into an infested home. Caregivers, firefighters and other service workers who enter infested dwellings to provide care or assistance are especially prone to transporting the pests to other locations.

Like ticks and fleas, bed bugs can be killed by exposing them to high levels of heat. Infested rooms should be heated to 122 degrees Fahrenheit or higher for at least 10 minutes to kill both adults and nymphs. The temperature needs to be sustained so that it reaches the bugs’ eggs, which can survive at temperatures much lower than that required to kill the bugs themselves. Infestations of this type are often difficult to eradicate, especially in multi-family apartment buildings. The CDC has more information about the pest and ways to control it.


Rodents, especially domestic rats (Rattus norvegicus) and mice (Mus musculus), carry pathogens that can directly infect humans with diseases such as plague, murine typhus, lymphocytic choriomeningitis, and leptospirosis. In addition, they act as reservoirs for infections transmitted by ectoparasites such as fleas and ticks.

Rodents can also be carriers of diseases that spread when humans come into contact with their droppings, urine, or carcasses. The deer mouse, for example, is the primary carrier of Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome, which can be deadly. It spreads by inhaling airborne particles contaminated with the virus from rodent feces, urine, or saliva.

The risk of contracting diseases from rodents increases if the rodents live close to human dwellings or are exposed to people during crop work. This was the finding of a study in which respondents were surveyed about their experiences with rodents in and around their homes. In the analysis, the likelihood of reporting rodents in the home was positively associated with the awareness that rodents can transmit disease to people, having a flush toilet as sanitation, having a main drinking water source other than rainwater in all seasons, residing in a dwelling with wooden walls, and several cultivation-related activities.

Many rodents chew their hair or the hair of cage mates, a habit known as barbering. This can be distressing for the animal and can cause severe itching. It can also lead to skin infections, including a bacterial infection called chromodacryorrhea that causes circular raised bumps on the muzzle and nose. Treatment includes the use of antibiotics and removing the affected area from the pet’s cage. Another concern with rodents is that they can suffer from seizures, which are most often seen in gerbils and can be life-threatening. They are triggered by stress and may occur after handling the animals or by eating certain foods.


Unlike mosquitoes and cockroaches, termites do not directly transmit diseases to humans. However, they still pose some health risks when they infest homes. They can cause structural damage to wooden parts of the house, furniture, and cellulose-based materials in the home. They can also release a foul odor that causes discomfort for the occupants of the house.

Termites can also spread various diseases through their droppings, as they often live in areas that are affected by mildew and mold. As they chew through wood, termites can disturb these organisms and spread their spores throughout the house. These spores can lead to coughing, sneezing, and flu-like symptoms in humans if they are inhaled. They can also trigger asthma and other respiratory conditions.

Another risk that termites pose to human health is their tendency to bite and sting. This is a problem because it introduces bacteria and other germs into the wound, potentially leading to serious infections. Some people can develop skin allergies and rashes from termite bites as well.

Although rare, termites can electrocute people when they chew through electrical wires in search of cellulose to eat. One case of this was when a termite colony nested around the insulation of an electrical cable in a hot water system, which caused a short circuit that led to an electric shock.

Termites can also be carriers of certain types of fungi, as they have a symbiotic relationship with them in their nests. These fungi generate spores, which the termites collect and then transport as they move through their colony. This can result in fungal infections in people who inhale the spores. Those who suffer from weak immune systems are especially susceptible to the effects of these spores.

Flea Control In Homes

Fleas are parasites that feed on blood and can cause itching in pets and humans. They are brought to homes by wild animals and strays.

Thoroughly wash pet bedding, plush toys, and furniture covers in hot soapy water to kill adult fleas and break their life cycle. Vacuum carpets and rugs every day, especially in the cracks and crevices where flea eggs hatch. Call Bakersfield Pest Control expert today.

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Diatomaceous Earth (DE)

Diatomaceous earth (DE) is a powder made from ground fossilized remains of algae that once swam in fresh water. It is a natural, safe, and inexpensive way to prevent fleas in pets and home environments. DE is also helpful in the garden for preventing fleas and other pests from breeding. It works by dehydrating and breaking down the exoskeleton of the insect when it comes in contact with it, effectively killing the bug. It can be applied directly to the pet’s coat or spread on bedding and carpeting in the home.

First, determine where your pet spends the most time. Then dust areas where they reside with food-grade DE, including their bedding and any carpeting that is in direct contact with the ground. It is important to use food-grade DE rather than industrial (filter) grade, which is dangerous to pets and humans.

When applying DE to your pet, be sure not to get it in their eyes, nose, or mouth. It can irritate those sensitive areas if inhaled. It is also important to be careful when rubbing the DE into your pet’s coat as it can irritate their skin and cause itching. It is a good idea to apply the DE with a pet brush to distribute it evenly and make sure not to miss any hard-to-reach spots.

After your pet is coated with DE, let it sit for about a day to allow the powder to work on the fleas and other pests. Once the DE has dried, vacuum up the powder and any dead pests. Repeat the process weekly for a few weeks to help prevent fleas from returning and continuing their life cycle in your pet and home.

You can also apply DE in your garden by mixing it with water. For example, you can make a DE spray by combining 4 to 6 tablespoons of DE with 1 gallon of water in a spray bottle or garden pump sprayer and spraying it over the area you wish to treat. This is useful if you have large areas to cover, such as a lawn or garden area.


There are several natural home remedies that people use to combat fleas. These include things like lemon peels, powder laundromat soap, and salt. These can be used in conjunction with a regular vacuuming routine to help get rid of fleas. These products work to dehydrate fleas and kill them without the use of chemicals. This can be an especially helpful remedy for households with pets, as it is a safe way to get rid of fleas that are on furniture and carpeting.

Many people sprinkle salt over their floors and carpeting. This works similarly to diatomaceous earth, as it dehydrates the exoskeleton of the flea and helps to kill it. The key is to be consistent and thorough with your application. It is also important to vacuum up the salt each time you do this so that you don’t end up re-introducing the fleas to your home.

Another popular option is to spray a solution of one part water and one part salt over your furniture, carpeting, pet beds, and other areas where fleas are prevalent. This mixture makes it very hard for the fleas to breathe and can kill them instantly. It is important to keep in mind that this won’t kill eggs and larvae, so it will need to be repeated regularly to control fleas.

Some people also find that a few drops of cedar oil can be effective at repelling fleas. Cedar oil is a natural pesticide that will kill fleas on contact. It can be sprayed directly onto your furniture, pet bedding, and other areas where fleas are present. This is a great option for households with animals that may be sensitive to other insecticides.

While some of these home remedies can be useful in treating a minor flea problem, severe infestations often require the use of commercial treatments to eliminate them. It is important to treat your pet and their environment first before trying these treatments, as fleas will usually hide in places that you can’t reach. It is also helpful to clear out any bushes, wood piles, and other areas where fleas tend to congregate outside the house.


Fleas need a blood meal to survive, so they jump onto dogs, cats, and squirrels to bite them. Heavy flea infestations can cause allergies and skin problems in pets. Fleas also carry tapeworms that can infect some dogs and cats. If enough pets are infested with fleas, fleas will often hop on people and bite them too. Despite this, fleas are not likely to transmit diseases to humans.

Insecticides can be used to control fleas in the home. Insecticide sprays can be applied with a hand sprayer or aerosol to infested carpeting and furniture. The most effective products contain both an adulticide (kills adults) and an insect growth regulator, such as methoprene or pyriproxyfen.

When using an insecticide, read the label carefully and follow all safety tips. Work in a well-ventilated area and wear safety equipment, like gloves. Using a pesticide indoors is best left to a professional, especially if you have children or pets in the house.

Vacuum your carpeting and cushioned furniture every day to remove flea eggs and larvae. Steam cleaning can help, too. Fleas develop in the dark, so they are more likely to be found in dark places like underneath carpeting, under furniture, or in cracks and crevices.

If vacuuming and steam cleaning do not reduce your flea problem, sprinkle food-grade diatomaceous earth (DE) on carpets and around furniture. DE is a fascinating natural substance that kills many insects by drying them out. This is safe for people and pets, though it may irritate the lungs and eyes of sensitive individuals. DE should be left on for several days before vacuuming.

Treat your pet with an oral or topical flea-preventative medicine during the spring and summer months. This helps protect your pet and keeps it from fleas that can spread disease to humans. Consider treating kennels, dog runs, and cat houses, too. You can repel fleas in your yard by spraying nematodes, microscopic worms that kill flea larvae and cocoons, on your lawn. Or, plant fennel, mint, lavender, or other plants that fleas dislike.


Getting rid of fleas requires an approach that tackles all stages of their life cycle. It also requires treating the pet’s environment as well as the house and yard.

Adult fleas live on animals and suck blood, but they also lay many eggs. Eggs fall off of pets and are deposited on floors, furniture, and in pet bedding. The eggs hatch into tiny larvae that feed on pet feces and other organic debris. Larvae then spin cocoons and emerge as adults.

To break this life cycle, vacuum thoroughly every day to remove egg sacs and adult fleas. Be sure to empty the vacuum bag and dispose of it outside. Use a water-based flea spray that contains a pesticide to reach deep down in carpets and crevices where adult fleas and larvae hide.

A professional flea treatment can also be a good preventative measure. Upon arriving at your home, a pest specialist will conduct a thorough inspection indoors and outdoors to determine the extent of the flea problem and develop an effective treatment plan.

For a quick fix, try some of the many available home remedies for fleas. Baking soda and salt, for example, can help repel fleas by hurting them with their abrasiveness. Sprinkle a thin layer of either on carpets and furniture and vacuum it up after several days.

In the yard, try spraying nematodes – microscopic worms that kill flea larvae and cocoons – on your lawn. You can purchase them at garden supply stores, and they are safe for pets and children. Also consider planting fennel, lavender, and mint, which fleas don’t like, around your house to deter them from your yard.

Fleas are adapted to warm environments and thrive in dense vegetation, where they can stay hidden from the sun. However, they prefer to be close to their hosts, so if your yard has a high population of pets or other wildlife, it can attract fleas to the house as well. If you notice itchy spots on your feet or ankles, it’s a good idea to contact a professional for a flea inspection.