Technology is transforming Baltimore County Waste Management. From weighing garbage trucks to recycling apps, these tech-focused solutions are helping us move towards sustainable living.

Moreover, these technologies are enabling us to use composting, anaerobic digestion, extended producer responsibility programs, and zero waste initiatives. They are also fostering more responsible consumption habits and encouraging people to recycle more.
Smart Bins
Smart bins are a great way to manage waste more efficiently. These devices use sensors to track the status of the trash and send the information to a mobile app. This information can then be used by garbage trucks to route themselves to the appropriate bins. This saves time and reduces environmental impact. It also allows cities to allocate more resources to other important initiatives.
In addition to being able to monitor the level of waste, smart bins can automatically detect the types of waste that are in them. This can be done using sensors that detect the presence of specific substances. For example, some smart bins can sense the presence of wet waste by measuring the humidity or temperature. This technology can help to divert wet waste from landfills, where it will be turned into renewable energy and composted.
Several companies develop smart bins that incorporate these technologies. It also offers solar-powered trash compactors and fleet management features. Another company develops smart bins that combine real-time waste-monitoring ultrasonic sensors with a cloud-based software platform to improve waste collection efficiency.
Many studies have explored the possibility of incorporating various sensing modules into smart waste bins. The most common sensor is an ultrasound sensor, which measures the amount of trash in a container. However, other sensors can be used to detect different types of waste. For example, some smart bins can use a thermal camera to detect the presence of wet waste. In addition, some can detect the presence of hazardous materials, such as a battery or a wire, in a trash container.
A comprehensive review of the current state of smart bins has revealed numerous improvements and innovations in the field, indicating promising results. However, the research still requires more detailed investigation and testing to realize its full potential.
One of the most promising developments in the field is an innovative waste segregation system that can separate trash from organics, paper, and other waste. This can reduce the amount of waste that is sent to landfills, which contributes to climate change. In addition, the system can reduce the amount of landfill space needed and increase the efficiency of waste management.
Pneumatic Waste Pipes
A pneumatic waste pipe system is a smarter way to manage your city’s garbage. Instead of using traditional trucks, it sucks trash into underground pipes to a waste processing plant, where it can be recycled or burned for energy. This innovative technology saves cities money, reduces traffic congestion, and minimizes the need for labor. It is also hygienic and less noisy than trucks.
Pneumatic waste pipes can also help cities reduce their carbon footprint. Compared to truck collection, this system uses less electricity and produces fewer greenhouse gases. However, it has its disadvantages as well. One study found that pneumatic waste systems may have a higher upfront cost than truck collection. In addition, the piping can become blocked due to improper use, which requires engineers to enter the pipes and repair them.
There’s a city that was the first to implement a truck-free waste management system. Its residents placed their bins beside an outdoor chute that connected to a series of underground pipes. Trash was then automatically sorted at the waste processing plant and either recycled, buried, or burned for energy. The city’s system cut waste management costs, reduced pollution, and saved the city money.
This new kind of waste disposal is a lot more hygienic than the old-fashioned method of throwing rubbish in bins. It also reduces the amount of waste that is left to rot, and it reduces air pollution, traffic congestion, and accidents caused by vehicles. It’s a great alternative for modern progressive cities that want to reduce their waste and make sure they’re running more efficiently.
However, the environmental benefits of pneumatic waste systems depend on the source of the electricity used. If it is sourced from fossil fuels, truck collection will have lower emissions and energy use than pneumatic waste systems. It is important to consider the energy mix when choosing a collection system.
Chemical Recycling
Chemical recycling is an umbrella term for a variety of technologies that use heat or solvents to break plastic down into its chemical building blocks. These building blocks can then be used to produce new plastics or fuel. This technology has the potential to close the loop for many hard-to-recycle plastic waste streams that currently go to landfill or incineration. It can also be used to make new materials that are suitable for complex end-use applications, such as food and medical-grade plastics.
Chemical recycling uses a variety of processes, including pyrolysis, gasification, and hydro-cracking to depolymerise or break down the long hydrocarbon chains in waste plastics. These chains can then be converted into smaller hydrocarbon molecules, such as gas or monomers, to be used in the production of new plastics. These technologies can recycle a wider range of polymers than mechanical recycling, making them an important part of the circular economy.
In the country, there is a growing movement to support this type of recycling, with 24 states having passed laws that regulate these plants as manufacturers rather than incinerators. But critics say that these plants are not a solution to the global plastic pollution crisis, and could cause significant environmental problems. They also argue that chemical recycling is a ploy by the plastics industry to avoid having to deal with their toxic emissions.
The process of breaking down plastics by heating them to high temperatures is called pyrolysis. This technique is different from standard incineration, as it does not use oxygen to burn the plastics. It is also less energy-intensive than traditional recycling. However, it does produce carcinogenic pollutants, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, volatile organic compounds, acid gases, furans, and chlorinated dioxins. These toxic contaminants are released into the atmosphere during the pyrolysis process.
Several companies have begun producing pyrolysis oil from recycled plastics as an alternative to fossil fuels. This oil can be used to produce a wide variety of products, from plastics to fuel and chemicals. It can even be used to replace natural gas in a steam turbine to generate electricity. In addition, this method of plastic recycling can help reduce greenhouse gases.
Robotic Waste Sorting
The increasing need for efficient waste management solutions is driving the development of robotic waste sorting. These systems use sensors and AI technologies to identify different types of waste materials and automatically sort them, reducing processing time. They also improve efficiency rates in recycling plants. In addition, they reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills and waterways.
Currently, most waste is collected from cities and transported to a materials recovery facility (MRF), where it is sorted. However, this process is expensive and labor-intensive. Workers race against the clock to scan and sort recyclables on a fast-moving conveyor belt. This is a very inefficient way to manage waste, and it often results in misclassifications that contaminate the final product.
Robotic waste sorting can be an effective solution to these problems. The technology can be used to automatically classify and separate waste for recycling, which can be more profitable than conventional sorting methods. It can also help increase the quality of the resulting product by reducing errors and improving uniformity. This can be particularly beneficial for metal products, which can command double or triple the price of other recyclables.
Advanced robotic waste-sorting systems can make ten to twenty times as many picks per hour as human waste pickers. They can also detect a much wider range of contaminants than humans. For example, one company developed an optical system that can detect traces of peanut butter and other contaminants in the waste stream. This information can then be used to improve the overall process.
A new generation of waste-sorting robots can use AI computer vision to recognize and classify different kinds of materials. These systems can differentiate between colors, shapes, and packaging and non-packaging materials. In addition, they can detect food and non-food grades. These systems can be applied to various waste recycling operations, ranging from municipal waste to construction and demolition materials.
The technology is becoming increasingly affordable as the market for robotic waste-sorting solutions grows. One company offers a system that can be installed in an MRF for just $300,000 per unit. Despite its high cost, the system can pay for itself in just two to three years by saving money on labor and fuel costs.